Painting the house Lempäälä

Painting a house is much more than just an aesthetic addition to the exterior cladding. It is an investment that, in addition to an admirable appearance, protects your home in Lempäälä from weather conditions, such as the sun's UV radiation and heavy rains.

Request an offer!

The exterior walls of the house should be updated to their new glory, if more than 10 years have passed since the previous painting or there are obvious problems on the wall. The painting job done by our skilled painters will give your Lempäälä home a new, long-lasting shine!

You recognize the need to paint the walls of your home when the surfaces look untidy, i.e. the paint is peeling and the paint surface has worn thin. In addition to this, the presence of mold spots on the wall is an alarming sign. You can read more about identifying warning signs in our blog.

When you see these signs, it's time to consider painting your house. Timely maintenance saves large renovation costs in the long run and keeps the value of your house high. If you are not sure whether you recognize the problems from the wall of the house, you can always ask our experts to assess the situation for you free of charge.

Asiakaskokemuksia videomuodossa

Steps for painting a house in the area of Lempäälä :

1. Contact

We will respond to your contact request within 24 hours.

2. Free fitness assessment

We will make a free condition assessment and a fixed price offer with no hidden costs.

3. Written agreement

After you accept the offer, we will make a written contract according to which the work will begin.

4. Protection

At the beginning of the project, the necessary places, such as terraces and wall lanterns, are protected.

5. Washing

Depending on the condition of the house, the house should be washed of mold with water, dry brushed or, in the best case, only check the condition of the walls.

6. Scraping flaky paint

Flaking paint is scraped off with a paint scraper.

7. Painting

Bare areas are primed before topcoating to ensure the durability of the paint. Surface painting is performed once or twice as needed.

8. Cleaning the construction site

We take care of the jobsite clean. The construction site is also kept in order during the contract.

9. Final inspection

At the end of each contract, a final inspection is carried out, where the quality of the work done with the customer is checked once more. A separate written report will be made about this.

10. Enjoying the warranty

The work is guaranteed for two (2) years, during which we will correct the mistakes we made in your call.

Kolme syytä valita Loistepinta

  • 94 NPS-lukema

    Asiakastyytyväisyyttä mittaava NPS-lukemamme on 94/100. Harva yritys pääsee samoihin lukemiin. Rakennusalan keskiarvo on 41/100.

  • 100% Paikallinen

    Paikallinen toiminta Pirkanmaalla on vahvuutemme. Läheisyys mahdollistaa sujuvan palvelun ja asiakkaidemme tarpeiden ymmärtämisen.

  • 25 Ammattilaista

    25 ammattilaista muodostaa vahvan ja monipuolisen henkilöstön. Pystymme joustavasti hoitamaan niin suuret kuin pienetkin urakat.

How much does painting a house cost in Lempäälä?

At Loistepinna, we make offers with a fixed contract amount that does not include hidden costs. In general, the price of a painting in Lempäälä is on average around €4,000 - €10,000. The price of each job is individual, as it is influenced by, among other things, the paint used, the surface to be painted, the work steps to be performed and the surrounding terrain. You can get a price estimate for the job by calculating it in a minute with our price calculator or by sending pictures of your object on WhatsApp!

Sample prices for the objects we paint

The prices are fixed contract prices including VAT, which include labor and materials.

Lempäälä Area House Painting: Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a painting job take?

The duration really depends on the size of the contract. Usually, the job takes about five working days for two painters.

Can I take advantage of the household deduction?

You can take advantage of the household deduction for glossy surface painting services. The household deduction is 40% of the work share. The share of the work is typically about 80% of the price of the entire contract. You can read more about the household deduction on our blog.

At what time of year should the painting be done?

Exterior painting is done between April and September. For water-based paints, the air temperature must be at least +5 degrees and the humidity below 80%. You can read more about the optimal time in our blog.

What is the difference between acrylic and oil paint?

In the past, oil paints were more popular exterior paints, but modern acrylate paints have advanced. They offer better vapor permeability and breathability than oil paints. Acrylate paints also have a longer maintenance painting interval, they don't mold as quickly, and their shine remains longer. In addition, acrylate paints are more ecological, as they do not evaporate solvents and last longer. Oil paints are better suited, for example, to objects protected by the Finnish Museum Agency.

Can you paint in the rain?

With a small drizzle, when the air humidity is below 80%, you can paint areas that are protected from the rain, for example false ceilings, without worry. You shouldn't paint a wall where the rain hits.

Why should you paint the house?

A high-quality paint layer ensures the protection of the house's walls, which extends the life of the building and prevents costly exterior cladding repairs. In addition to this, exterior painting increases the value of the house and improves its appearance.

Request a quote for painting your home at Lempäälä !

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Shine for your home in Lempäälä !

Are you looking for the best painting service in Pirkanmaa? Loistepinta offers professional facade painting and tile roof coating and cleaning. We create new brilliance with our sustainable solutions and local expertise. Whether it's a small or a large job, the job will be done!

Professional painting service comes to you in addition to Lempäälä throughout Pirkanmaa!